We belong to the Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. The name gives expression to the fact that we desire to be Christian churches as well as Reformed churches. The first part of the name (Christian) indicates that we are one with the catholic (universal) church of all ages. The second part of the name (Reformed) expresses that we have our origin with the 16th and 17th century Reformation, which shaped the churches in the Netherlands, thus following in the footsteps of John Calvin, the great reformer of Geneva.
In addition to the three ecumenical creeds, the reformed confessional standards (the Belgic Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort) are the confessional basis of our churches. By means of this basis we try to understand our call to be the salt of the earth.
The name of our church buildig is ”De Zaaier” (The Sower), derived from the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.
Church services every Sunday at 9.30 and 17.00 hrs (9.30 am and 5.00 pm). You are very welcome to attend the Sunday services (in Dutch, English translation is available). Address: Eibert den Herderstraat 22, 3841 KX Harderwijk.
If you have any question, please send a message to internet@cgkdezaaier.nl or to our pastor, Reverend Middelkoop: predikant@cgkdezaaier.nl. It is our pleasure to assist you!